UniCMS x7

UniCMS x7

A Medialab® Product


UniCMS is a flexible CMS that provides you with the facility of creating your website in the most easiest way.

It allows the admin to have as many pages as he needs and each page is based on an independent template. The template takes care of the layout and fields. The admin simply needs to provide the values.


UniCMS does not need to be installed in your server. In fact you do not need to have a server at your end. Simply create your account in UniCMS and point your domain to us. If you do not have a domain, we provide subdomains and domains too.

Your account gets activated in seconds and you can immediately have your website GO LIVE. Keep updating your website as and when you want without paying anything towards the updates You can plan the contents from your end or choose from our vast array of modules that can be integrated in your website with your content in seconds.


Flexibility at its best...

The list of features that are unique is vast. We have listed a few of them. For a hand on experience of all the features, please use the contact form below to request a free demo account.

Some of the most appreciated features:



One Click Translation

Our system translates your input in English to Hindi with just one click. The best part is that you can modify the translated text using the phonetic input feature.


Phonetic Input

Real Time Transliteration

You need not be versed with Hindi keyboard for typing in Hindi. Simply type RAM and the system will change it to राम automatically. This is the easiest input system.

Drag to Sort

Drag to sort

Easily set display order

To move any item to a new ordering, you simply need to drag it to the desired place and drop it there. The system will update the ordering permanently.


There are endless advantages of using UniCMS over other solutions. We have tried to list most of them.

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Want to have a free demo ? Send us your contact details and we will get back to you with demo credentials.

Short description about your organisation




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